15 Ways to Boost Your Firm’s Pro Bono Hours

Based on the results of the recently released PBI Challenge Report, it may be helpful to carefully assess your firm’s pro bono program to indentify what’s working and what’s not.  For those firms with pro bono time lagging behind past years or falling short of your firm’s goals, or those looking to build on previous success and improve their firm’s pro bono performance, here are some tips that might help you reinvigorate your pro bono program, increase pro bono hours, and improve program visibility:

1. Maximize your pro bono timekeeping;

2. Credit pro bono time – and show you mean it;

3. Report results to the firm;

4. Reassess your pro bono program;

5. Cater to your attorneys’ pro bono interests;

6. Create a firm-wide pro bono project;

7. Accept a major litigation matter;

8. Schedule your attorneys’ pro bono commitment;

9. Establish a firm-sponsored rotation/externship program;

10. Hire dedicated pro bono staff;

11. Involve summer associates;

12. Involve first-year associates and experienced/transitioning attorneys;

13. Develop a mentoring system and a team;

14. Establish a pro bono award; and

15. Contact the Law Firm Pro Bono Project for confidential consulting – and sign on to the Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge®

Read more about each of these tips in the PBI publication: “15 Ways to Boost Your Firm’s Pro Bono Hours.”  Law Firm Pro Bono Project Members can receive this publication free of charge.  Contact Mary Baroch, Law Firm Pro Bono Project assistant, to request a copy.

What methods to increase pro bono hours have worked successfully at your firm?  Leave us a comment below.



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