PBI is a catalyst, administering projects that support, guide, and inspire law firms and in-house departments to enhance access to justice. PBI selects and manages or collaborates on projects that, working in concert, promote synergies and inform and strengthen legal pro bono work and access to justice.
PBI’s current projects include:
The PBI Collaborative Justice ProjectTM is an innovative initiative that brings together representatives from different sectors of the community to develop and implement a measurable plan to reduce persistent and critical societal problems that impact some of the most vulnerable in our society. PBI launched the Minnesota Collaborative Justice Project as its first collaborate justice initiative. Learn more.
ExpertConnect Pro Bono Hub is an online clearinghouse administered by PBI to connect providers of free legal services from law firms, in-house legal departments, and public interest organizations with pro bono expert services. Pro bono and public interest legal professionals can submit requests outlining their needs for expert support, including forensic accounting, translation, case management, e-discovery, and other specialized services, which can enhance legal services efforts to further benefit communities.
While pro bono initiatives must be grounded in the history, culture, and existing legal aid systems of the various nations and will necessarily differ from the pro bono structure and culture in the U.S., PBI, with its breadth of experience, serves as a knowledgeable, objective, and trusted advisor. In partnership with local and global leaders, the Global Pro Bono Project works to strengthen pro bono culture, policy, and practice around the world. PBI identifies impediments and implements solutions, develops resources, and promotes global pro bono service through research, consultative services, training, and thought leadership. Learn more.
Multijurisdictional practice rules pose a significant obstacle for many in-house attorneys participating in pro bono activities. Numerous in-house attorneys, though admitted and in good standing in one or more U.S. jurisdictions, are not licensed in the states in which they currently work. The practice rules in all but a few states permit in-house counsel licensed in other U.S. jurisdictions to represent their in-state employer, often through a registration or similar certification process, but many of these rules limit representation to the employer-client. Some states provide pro bono exemptions, allowing non-locally licensed in-house counsel (registered in-house counsel) to provide pro bono. However, a large number do not expressly permit these lawyers to practice in pro bono matters. Learn more.