In Memoriam: Michael A. Rothenberg

The death of our friend Michael Rothenberg, executive director of New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI), is a profound loss for his family, friends, NYLPI, and for the entire pro bono community.  Michael was a remarkable lawyer and “an inspirational leader in the New York City social justice community.”  He excelled at community-based organizing and leveraging the pro bono potential of New York City’s major law firms.  His visionary passion for social change ran the gamut from promoting the civil rights of individuals with disabilities to fighting for access to quality health care for all people to advocating for the right to a healthy and toxic-free environment.

As a close friend eloquently recalled, “Michael was the kind of person we all strive to be: a fearless advocate for those less fortunate, a wonderful role model to his young children, and a dedicated friend.  This is a great loss for everyone who was touched by him.”

May Michael’s memory serve to inspire us to build on his legacy and continue the hard work of trying to make the world a better and more just place.



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