2013 Challenge Poster Coming Soon!

Recruiting season is once again in full swing! Many law students are looking to join firms where pro bono is an integral part of the firm’s culture. Every year we are honored to be able to promote our Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® Signatories and their commitment to pro bono. Accordingly, the Law Firm Pro Bono Project is mailing its annual Challenge poster to the career services offices of all ABA-accredited law schools. The poster lists every Challenge Signatory and raises the visibility of these firms to make them more attractive to the very students they are trying to recruit.

Challenge Signatories will also soon be receiving their posters in the mail. For additional copies of the poster, please contact Law Firm Project Assistant Eva Richardson. Firms, with 50 or more lawyers, are welcome to join the Challenge at any point of the year. Please contact Eva Richardson for information on becoming a Challenge Signatory.



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