Do You Know Where You’re Going To?

self-assessmentIs your firm interested in improving its pro bono program? If so, the spring season, with its emphasis on renewal and growth, makes it the perfect time to check out our Law Firm Pro Bono Self-Assessment Guide, which is designed to help large law firms assess the strengths and weaknesses of their programs and engage in goal-setting and long-term strategic planning.

In order to be effective and successful, pro bono programs should be compatible with the firm’s environment, culture, and history. There are a range of ever-evolving factors that shape a firm’s program, such as firm size, geographic location, the nature of the firm’s practice, and its economic health. We’ve identified certain common elements that are essential for establishing and maintaining a strong pro bono program and this guide allows firms to determine the status of these critical elements within the context of their own past history and future planning. As Diana Ross once sang (sort of):

Does your pro bono program know where it’s going to?
Do you like the things that it’s showing you?
Where are you going to? Do you know?

We encourage firms to share the results of their self-assessment (in whole or part) with us. The Law Firm Pro Bono Project is available to offer analysis of the firm’s program and provide confidential assistance to firms in restructuring and revamping their program. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your self-assessment, let us know!



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