The State of Law Firm Pro Bono

ParticipationPBI’s Law Firm Pro Bono Project recently released its annual Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® Report, which examines the pro bono activities of firms that are Signatories to the Challenge. Law firm pro bono in 2015 can be characterized by one word: optimism. One hundred twenty-nine Signatories to the Challenge collectively reported increases in total pro bono hours, pro bono hours for those of limited means, attorney participation rates, and charitable giving to legal services organizations.

Among the many highlights from this year’s Report, the percentage of attorneys participating in pro bono increased to 74.6 percent in 2015 from to 73.0 percent in 2014, marking the second consecutive year of growth. When the Challenge was implemented in 1995, one fundamental goal was to encourage more than half of a firm’s attorneys to participate in pro bono, which at the time was ambitious. This year’s data shows that firms are greatly surpassing that original standard. It’s time to set new goals and strive for even higher participation rates. As always, we are grateful to our Signatories for their dedication and leading the way in pro bono service.

Check out the complete Challenge Report, including analysis of the data, new information regarding firm size and pro bono, detailed graphs, and more. And stay tuned to The PBEye for additional highlights from this year’s Challenge Report. Also, check out the Law Firm Project’s discussion of highlights from the Report on its podcast, the Pro Bono Happy Hour.

If your firm of 50 or more lawyers would like to join the Challenge, please contact Law Firm Pro Bono Project Assistant Eva Richardson.



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