Giving Time and Giving Money

PBI’s Law Firm Pro Bono Project recently released its annual Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® Report, which examines the pro bono activities of Challenge Signatories.

giving picWe’ve previously written about attorney pro bono participation and pro bono time devoted to those of limited means. Another notable highlight from 2015 was the increase in charitable giving to legal services organizations. The average firm donation last year was $460,660, which represents a 27.2 percent increase over the average firm donation in 2014, which was $362,217.

We applaud those firms and attorneys who not only gave their time but also contributed their dollars to local and other legal services organizations. Even if they will never on their on their own, absent government and other support, comprise full funding for legal services, firm contributions are critical to maintaining an effective pipeline and support network for legal services programs, and, in return for law firm pro bono efforts.

Check out the complete Challenge Report, including analysis of the data, new information regarding firm size and pro bono, detailed graphs, and more. And stay tuned to The PBEye for additional highlights from this year’s Report. Also, check out the Law Firm Project’s discussion of the state of pro bono on its podcast, the Pro Bono Happy Hour.

If your firm of 50 or more lawyers would like to join the Challenge, please contact Law Firm Pro Bono Project Assistant Elysse DeRita.



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