Guest Blog: Pro Bono Spotlight on AIG

We at The PBEye are inspired every day by the Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® signatories. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the CPBO Challenge® initiative, we are showcasing some of their projects with the hope that they inspire you, too.

TealPumpkinHundreds of children will be trick or treating more safely this Halloween thanks to AIG** colleague Shama Elliott. Elliott, an Intellectual Property (IP) Manager in the Global Legal, Compliance, Regulatory, and Government Affairs department, assisted Food Allergy Research Education (FARE) with securing its trademark registrations for the Teal Pumpkin Project design (pictured). This distinct pumpkin design logo is posted on residences and local businesses to help raise awareness of and to protect children from life-threatening food allergies. It lets parents know that the home or business is offering allergy-free, non-food treats for trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

We all know that pro bono service is a meaningful way for lawyers and non-lawyers to serve their communities. Elliott knows how meaningful such service can be.

“I have always had a passion for public service, but I never anticipatedShama Elliott that my legal expertise in IP would be something a pro bono client would need. In 2012, when I started participating in AIG Pro Bono Program events, I realized that my IP knowledge and skills were valued by our nonprofit organization and small business clients. I was able to use skills I have acquired in my role as an AIG IP Manager to help nonprofits and aspiring small business owners protect their brand – a key element to building brand awareness and value, and furthering the organization’s mission.”

You can read more about unique opportunities for IP professionals to use their expertise in our blog Cutting Edge Pro Bono: Patent Law and Low-Income Inventors.

Thank you, American International Group, Inc., for contributing to The PBEye.


** denotes a Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® signatory




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