Happy Pro Bono Podcast Monday!

Don’t miss the latest episode of the Law Firm Pro Bono Project’s podcast, the Pro Bono Happy Hour, featuring Katie Cronin of Stinson Leonard Street*†. Katie talks to us about her career, the firm’s pro bono program, the access to justice culture in Kansas City, and how pro bono work “feeds her soul.” Want to learn more about the firm’s pro bono program? Search our archives for the episode featuring Theresa Hughes, Katie’s colleague and pro bono role model.

Subscribe to the Pro Bono Happy Hour on Apple Podcasts and be sure to leave a review! We’d appreciate the feedback and it would help us expand the conversation about access to justice. The podcast is also available on YouTube. Links to all of our episodes can be found here.

Listen along and let us know what you think. Send your comments, thoughts, feedback, questions, and suggestions to probono@probonoinst.org. Be warned: we might just read them on the air.

* denotes a Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® signatory
† denotes a Law Firm Pro Bono Project® member



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