It’s Pro Bono Podcast Monday: A Conversation with Scott Hunt

This week on the Pro Bono Happy Hour podcast, we talk with Scott Hunt of Armstrong Teasdale*† about his career, the firm’s pro bono program, inspiring the next generation, food deserts, and more. As a tax lawyer, Scott shares how non-litigators can actively participate in pro bono work and serve people in need.

Scott serves on an amazing nine nonprofit boards and his areas of interest are diverse. One of the organizations he supports is The Link Market, an innovative model of modular grocery stores that are located along St. Louis’ light rail system to offer high-quality and affordable food. This work is vital inasmuch as there are 15 recognized “food deserts,” or areas where residents lack access to nutritious food, in St. Louis. The Link Market also supports a network of local farmers and community gardens by buying their produce to resell at the markets. Looking to learn more about food deserts and how pro bono lawyers can be of help? Check out the Law Fir Pro Bono Project’s publication “Food for Thought: Improving Access to Nutrition.”

Scott also works with Pianos for People. Building on research that demonstrates powerful benefits to children from having a piano in their home, this nonprofit fields donations of acoustic pianos and then places them in the homes of at-risk children and other community members in need. They also offer music lessons and public concerts.

Armstrong Teasdale has long been a pro bono pioneer. The firm was a founding member of PBI’s Law Firm Pro Bono Project and, more recently, the firm embarked on an innovative partnership with in-house legal departments and Legal Services of Eastern Missouri.

Why does Scott maintain such an active pro bono practice? “It gives you the opportunity to meet truly fascinating people who devote their professional lives to helping others with no real opportunity of financial gain, I’ve met some truly amazing people.” Take 30 minutes to learn from Scott about Armstrong Teasdale’s inspiring pro bono program and come cool things happening in St. Louis.

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* denotes a Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® signatory

† denotes a Law Firm Pro Bono Project® member




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