PBI Signatory Showcase Interview with Quarles & Brady LLP*†
The Transgender Name Change Project, a partnership between Quarles & Brady LLP, the Milwaukee (MKE) LGBT Community Center, and Legal Action of Wisconsin, assists transgender and gender non-conforming individuals with legal name changes and updating gender markers on official documents. For this Signatory Showcase, we spoke with Jack Iwrey, General Corporate and Transactional Counsel at Quarles & Brady, about this partnership.
Please tell us about this project.
The Transgender Name Change Project is a collaborative project between the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, Legal Action of Wisconsin, and Quarles & Brady. The Project assists transgender and gender non-conforming individuals with the process of legally changing their name and, in some cases, updating gender markers on official documents to align with their gender identity.
What has been the role of Quarles & Brady in this project?
The Milwaukee LGBT Community Center reviews cases and refers them to Quarles & Brady. The firm then assigns the cases to lawyers who handle the preparation and filing of the necessary court documents and then attend the court hearing with the client to help complete the name change process. Once the name change has been approved by the judge, Quarles & Brady lawyers work with the client to make the necessary filings with the court and the state to ensure that the name change is properly recognized.
Are there any organizations that the department collaborates with? If so, why are these partnerships so important?
Our collaboration with the LGBT Community Center is what makes this project possible. Their efforts in screening cases and gathering relevant information enable our involvement. Also, Legal Action of Wisconsin provides substantive support and training.
What impact has this pro bono work made?
This work underscores the importance of legal equity and the role of advocacy in creating a more inclusive society. It provides transgender and gender non-conforming individuals with:
- documentation that aligns with their identity;
- makes it easier to access public benefits, healthcare, housing, education, and employment opportunities without facing unnecessary barriers or discrimination; and
- ensures individuals have accurate identification, reducing the risk of legal complications or challenges in everyday interactions.
What would you say is the most challenging part of this type of project?
Clients often face discrimination, rejection, or trauma in relation to their gender identity or their decision to pursue a name change to align with that identity, making the process emotionally challenging. Fear of judgment or misunderstanding, as well as a lack of familiarity with the documentation and legal processes, can discourage individuals from seeking help.
Is there any advice that you would give to other law firms who want to become more focused on a certain pro bono issue?
- Choose a cause that aligns with the firm’s culture and values.
- Build community partnerships.
- Educate and train your team.
- Start small and scale gradually.
- Foster a culture of commitment.
- Advocate for systemic change.
- Be patient and persistent.
Each year, the signatories to the PBI Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® and Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® initiatives provide important pro bono services to underserved, disadvantaged, and other individuals or groups unable to secure the legal assistance needed to address critical problems. The PBI Signatory Showcase spotlights some of the amazing work signatories have done to serve those in need. |
* denotes a Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® signatory
** denotes a Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® signatory
† denotes a Law Firm Pro Bono Project® member