Category: AI

Chief Legal Officer’s Point of View: Doing Well and Doing Good

Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO), a global project of Pro Bono Institute (PBI) committed to enhancing in-house pro bono, presented a session at the 2023 Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas this week: Chief Legal Officer’s Point of View: Doing Well and Doing Good. Eve Runyon, President and CEO of PBI, moderated an engaging discussion with Marcus Brown, Executive Vice President & General Counsel of Entergy Corporation, and Hossein Nowbar, Chief Legal Officer of Microsoft Corporation. Entergy and Microsoft both have robust, longstanding pro bono programs. They are signatories to the Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® initiative,

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AI & Pro Bono

By PBI Intern Emily Cardona UPDATE: More resources and information about AI and pro bono… Artificial intelligence (AI) has been championed for its potential to enhance pro bono legal services and help close the large gap between available legal aid and the need for services in the community. To access programming on AI, pro bono, and access to justice, visit: Introduction to AI and Access to Justice Setting the Stage: Introduction to AI  Implementation and Use of AI in Pro Bono Responsible Use of AI in Enhancing Pro Bono For more information about AI and pro bono, visit our Social

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