Category: In-house Pro Bono

Driving Impact and Engagement: The Business Case for Corporate Volunteerism

By Daniela Ramirez-Ledesma, PBI Intern Offering a legal pro bono or corporate volunteerism program not only increases access to justice in our communities, it’s also a smart business decision. The business case for legal pro bono and corporate volunteerism more broadly isn’t new, and recent research continues to show that these programs increase employee engagement, provide an advantage in employee recruitment and retention, and help employees develop leadership potential and thrive. Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO), the global in-house project of Pro Bono Institute, has highlighted the business case for in-house pro bono for over a decade. CPBO’s Guide on The

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Legal Department Leaders Unite to Support Funding for Civil Justice

For the eighth year running, legal department leaders have once again rallied to support the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), the largest funder of civil legal aid in the United States. Pro Bono Institute (PBI) and its global in-house project, Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO), along with the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA), put out a call to action to General Counsel and Chief Legal Officers, inviting them to sign a letter of support for increasing LSC’s Fiscal Year 2025 funding. The GCs and CLOs from 147 corporations signed the letter, calling on Congress to strengthen its investment in equal justice by increasing funding

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Pledging to Do More In-House Pro Bono

Challenge, accepted! Pledge, taken! Target, aimed! Legal department leaders around the globe have more opportunities than ever before to publicly commit to engaging their legal teams in pro bono. In April 2024, the UK In House Pro Bono Pledge joined the global Corporate Pro Bono Challenge® initiative and the Australian National Pro Bono Target as a way for GCs and CLOs to demonstrate their commitment to pro bono.  These initiatives share a common purpose of motivating in-house pro bono participation. The Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO) project of Pro Bono Institute (PBI) launched the Corporate Pro Bono Challenge initiative, in 2006

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