VIDEO: Why Do Pro Bono? Maria Odom, CLINIC

We at The PBEye think that one of the best feelings in the world is helping someone in need. So we also think that lawyers who do pro bono are some of the luckiest people in the world because they get to do just that. This week hear from Maria Odom, executive director of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc., on why lawyers should do pro bono. YouTube Link

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CPBO Spotlight On: The Williams Companies

The Williams Companies*, a nationwide energy company based in Tulsa, Okla., has a strong pro bono program.  The program’s success is due in large part to the support and encouragement of its past and present general counsels. Elder Care Adopting one of the most efficient pro bono service models, the Williams legal department has committed to handling all of Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc.’s (Oklahoma Legal Aid) cases concerning estate planning and other end-of-life issues for the elderly poor in its community.   For several years, the University of Tulsa Law School operated a clinic providing free legal services

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VIDEO: Why Do Pro Bono? Lisa Dewey, DLA Piper

We never get tired of hearing the many reasons to do pro bono – the old ones, the new ones, and everything in between. And The PBEye loves to hear those reason straight from our friends and supporters who do it and advocate for it everyday. This week hear from Lisa Dewey, pro bono partner at DLA Piper. YouTube Link

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Pro Bono as a Prelude to Public Service

The New York Law Journal recently ran an interview with New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman that caught our attention.  When asked about the “roots” of his interest in public service, he circled back to his pro bono experiences while in private practice.  Schneiderman recalled that he was “completely absorbed” in pro bono work when he was at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, now K&L Gates*†  working on, among other things, opposing public transit fare increases as a matter of civil rights, assisting eligible community groups and block associations that were fighting drug dealers in their midst, and assisting womens’ health

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2011 In-House Pro Bono Lessons Learned

The PBEye thinks there’s no reason to re-invent the wheel.  Having worked with hundreds of legal departments on their pro bono programs since 2000, CPBO knows that while each program is unique and reflects the particular characteristics, interests, and culture of the legal department, there are a number of common issues that legal departments face in starting and growing pro bono programs.  So that legal departments may learn from each other, CPBO publishes best practices profiles that highlight the experiences of various legal departments and share lessons they have learned.  Below is a list of the 10 most common lessons learned. 1.)    General counsel and management support is key for the creation and growth of an in-house program. 2.)   

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VIDEO: Why Do Pro Bono? Hon. Laurie D. Zelon

There are so many great reasons to do pro bono that we could go on and on about.  But The PBEye would rather hear it straight from the source: those who do it and advocate for it everyday. This week hear from Hon. Laurie D. Zelon, associate justice for the California Courts of Appeal. YouTube Link

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Global Spotlight: Combating Human Trafficking

In recognition of the thousands of men, women and children who fall prey to human trafficking in the U.S. every year, January has been declared Human Trafficking and Slavery Awareness and Prevention Month.  According to the Global Freedom Center: Modern slavery, or human trafficking, is the reprehensible practice of holding another in compelled service using whatever means necessary, be it physical or psychological. Anywhere between 12 [and] 27 million people are held in slavery around the world today – men, women, and children coerced into bonded labor, forced or sold into prostitution, held in domestic servitude, and enslaved in agricultural fields

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CPBO Spotlight On: Nationwide

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company** adopted a formal pro bono program in 2007.  Members of the legal department gathered to discuss opportunities, potential obstacles, and how the program should be structured and then presented a proposal to Executive Vice President and Chief Legal and Governance Officer Pat Hatler. She embraced the team’s ideas and recommendations, and the legal department kicked off its pro bono program by co-hosting a Clinic in a BoxSM program with CPBO.  The clinic brought together nearly 40 lawyers, paralegals, and administrative staff to provide legal assistance to central Ohio nonprofit organizations.  The success of the clinic provided a

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Pro Bono Risk Management–Update

In October, in connection with the Maples v. Thomas oral argument in the U.S. Supreme Court, The PBEye offered guidance on risk management and best practices that pro bono lawyers should consider implementing with regards to supervision of pro bono work and the treatment of pro bono matters when the attorney primarily responsible for the matter leaves the law firm or legal department.   During our 2012 Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., we’ll have the chance to explore in greater depth these particular pro bono quality control and risk management issues and steps you can take to address them. In case

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Canada Embraces Medical-Legal Partnerships

Good legal help is hard to find.  Particularly for the low-income parents of a sick child who pass countless hours in hospital waiting rooms and at their child’s bedside.  Attorney Lee Ann Chapman told The Star: Having a sick child can bring about a domino effect.  Families sometimes let important, practical issues slide because they’re so focused on their child’s health.  Often they have no idea of their rights and have never had access to legal information.  Sometimes they are quite desperate. Enter The Hospital For Sick Children (SickKids) and Pro Bono Law Ontario (PBLO), who’ve teamed up to deliver

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