Disaster Relief: Lawyers Pitching In

Mother Nature is wreaking havoc across the United States and around the world.  Images of disaster-stricken towns and cities feature prominently and regularly in recent news programming.  Naturally, these images of desperation ignite in all of us a desire to take action.  Lawyers are no exception.  In the wake of a seemingly endless string of floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes, lawyers are interested in providing pro bono assistance to the victims.  And as always, The PBI can offer thoughts on the many ways for attorneys to lend a hand. Staffing Clinics and Hotlines Staffing clinics and hotlines are time-limited ways for lawyers to

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Today Slovakia, Tomorrow the World!

The PBEye is pleased to report that pro bono is taking root around the world.  This week Slovakia went pro bono in a big way with the launch of its national Pro Bono Advocacy program which links private practitioners with local nonprofits and provides free legal advice to NGOs.  Administered by the Pontis Foundation with assistance from PILnet, the program has already harnessed the pro bono legal talent of a slew of Slovak law firms. Whereas some countries’ legal communities have not been as eager to embrace pro bono, this initiative has garnered broad national support, from the Slovak Bar Association, which hosted the inaugural event, to

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Using Pro Bono to Grow Healthier Communities

Unhealthy eating habits and limited access to fresh food are an issue for many Americans.  While numerous projects to improve availability of affordable, nutritious food are taking place around the country, The PBEye just learned of a new initiative in our capital’s inner city. D.C.’s Common Good City Farm (CGCF) is an urban farm committed to providing fresh food and nutrition education to nearby low-income residents.  This May, Britain’s Prince Charles, a long-time supporter of sustainable food projects, paid a visit in recognition of CGCF’s good work and accomplishments! Ballard Spahr LLP* recently helped CGCF with land use and permitting

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Summer Reading List: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Looking for a pro bono-themed read for your vacation this weekend?  Pack The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot in your beach bag.  This best-selling novel tells the story of an impoverished black woman whose cancer cells were used to aid in lucrative medical discoveries after she died in 1950.  Meanwhile Lacks’ surviving relatives were left poor, and unable to afford health insurance. Jonathan Chou, an associate and former molecular biologist, and partner, Ethan Skerry, both from Lowenstein Sandler PC*, set up the Henrietta Lacks Foundation and secured tax-exempt status for the author, Rebecca Skloot, in 2010. The foundation aims

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Guest Blog: DLA Piper Associates Work in Guyana

The PBEye recently heard from a team of junior associates at DLA Piper* about their experiences doing pro bono in Guyana.  Pro bono is a terrific way for associates and seasoned attorneys alike to gain skills and develop professionally.  Here’s what our friends at DLA Piper, J. Hess, Nicole C. King, and Terry Smith, had to say: Attorneys involved with pro bono often share two common perspectives: a belief that we have an ethical obligation to provide pro bono services, and an understanding that pro bono offers unique opportunities to build valuable skills and broaden overall legal acumen.  Junior associates, particularly those

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Global Spotlight: International Child Abduction

According to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, last year nearly 2,000 children were internationally abducted to or from the United States by one of their own parents, in violation of the other parent’s rights: That’s 40 children taken from their homes and from their loved ones each week. Abductions traumatize children, their parents, friends, and family. International Parental Child Abduction is a painful scourge for so many, and it is something that deeply concerns me. Parental kidnapping compromises and destroys parent-child relationships, uproots and destabilizes children, and typically causes acute emotional distress to everybody involved.  Today’s International Missing Children’s Day strikes us as an auspicious occasion

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Global Spotlight: DLA Piper Gives Pro Bono a Bold New Perimeter

  This week, New Perimeter, the global pro bono affiliate of DLA Piper LLP*,  unveils its new website, www.newperimeter.org, spotlighting the firm’s savvy approach to pro bono, an innovative model well worth replicating. DLA Piper established New Perimeter to provide the law firm with a deliberate, strategic approach to bringing DLA Piper lawyers’ expertise to bear on some of the world’s most pressing problems. Through New Perimeter, DLA Piper lawyers from D.C. to Dubai invest their collective legal skills to advance women’s rights, combat hunger, fight HIV/AIDS, foster economic development, promote law reform, increase access to justice, and champion human

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A Better Way to Do Business?

Google Maps can tell you what restaurants are nearby but it can’t tell you which one treats its employees well or which one has taken meaningful steps to reduce its environmental footprint;  B Lab can.  B Lab is a nonprofit that designates companies as Benefit Corporations (B Corps) if the company meets defined standards regarding how it treats its employees, the environment, and the community.  Additionally, shareholders must agree to revise the company’s bylaws to allow business decisions to consider greater societal impacts in addition to minimizing costs and maximizing profits.  This allows socially responsible decision-making without fear of shareholder

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VIDEO: Leveraging Resources for Pro Bono

Over the years we’ve seen some very interesting pro bono programs and projects, particularly those created or modified in response to the global economic crisis.  It seems that many lawyers and other people involved understand the importance of creativity and scalability when approaching access to justice issues. We at the PBEye think this column on the astounding growth of Bet Tzedek legal services from one to 31 offices in just a year illustrates just that.  Aaron Hurst, president and founder of the Taproot Foundation, examines how the project essentially became a national organization without the hassle of a large, cumbersome

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Pro Bono Leadership in a Changing World

To all law firm pro bono professionals out there grappling with changes – you’re not alone!  A few months ago, Scot Fishman, Director of Pro Bono, Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP,* and Christopher Walters, Senior Pro Bono Counsel, Reed Smith LLP,*  explored the many ways that pro bono leadership roles and responsibilities have evolved in response to economic and structural changes at law firms.  This professional development program for pro bono leaders – including pro bono committee chairs and members, as well as full-time pro bono managers – was originally produced as a live, interactive webinar in conjunction with West LegalEdcenter,

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