Tag: Corporate Pro Bono

PBI Applauds Kansas’s New Rule Permitting Registered In-House Counsel to Practice Pro Bono

On September 6, 2018, the Kansas Supreme Court lifted the prohibition against non-locally licensed in-house counsel providing pro bono legal services. The amendment to Kansas Supreme Court Rule 712 will permit the approximately 200 registered in-house counsel in Kansas to provide legal aid to low-income individuals and communities. Last year, 10,000 legal aid requests went unfulfilled by Kansas Legal Services due to lack of staff capacity. The new rule will allow more attorneys in the private bar to deliver much needed legal services to the underserved. Pro Bono Institute (PBI) congratulates the many in-house counsel and their partners who advocated

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From Clinic in a Box® to Community Center: How GGP Helped the American Indian Center Find a New Home

Little did a team of GGP attorneys know when they were assigned to assist the American Indian Center (AIC) at a Clinic in a Box® program that it would lead to a three-year pro bono relationship spanning a variety of corporate matters and culminating in a complex real estate deal to find a new home for AIC’s community center. Corporate Pro Bono asked the attorneys at GGP to share their remarkable experience in representing a pro bono client on a long-term engagement. Their story demonstrates the profound impact pro bono can have for both the client and volunteers.   AIC was founded

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The Pro Bono Power Launch: How Leidos Hit the Ground Running

Since its inception in 2000, CPBO has helped countless in-house departments start and expand their pro bono programs. Despite the upward trend in in-house involvement, launching a brand-new pro bono program can present a daunting task for a legal department. With this in mind, CPBO reached out to Kristin Grimes, an attorney at Leidos, Inc.**, who recently spearheaded the successful launch of her department’s pro bono program, incorporating key elements CPBO has identified in its guide to getting started. We asked Kristin to share some insights and lessons learned about the process. You can read more about Leidos’ pro bono program here.

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