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The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also e…
The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also e…
The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also e…
The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also encouraged to re…
The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also encouraged to re…
The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also e…
The Pro Bono Wire is PBI’s online newsletter. We encourage Law Firm, In-House, and Public Interest pro bono leaders as well as other interested stakeholders to sign up to receive this valuable resource. Members of the Press are also e…
June 24, 2023 marked one year since the Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the decision that overruled the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade and eliminated the constitutional right to abortion. Since that decision, many p…
June 24, 2023 marked one year since the Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the decision that overruled the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade and eliminated the constitutional right to abortion. Since that decision, many p…
Yesterday was the fourth Financial Institution Pro Bono Day! Comprised of 75+ events held by financial institutions, insurance companies, and their partners from across the U.S. and around the globe that provide a diverse range of pro bono legal services…
The Supreme Court: Reflections on the Current Term
The work of the Supreme Court of the United States continues to be ripe for discussion and debate. This panel will cover the Court’s current dynamics and discuss high-profile cases with potentially far…
Dear Colleagues:
Wishing you a happy new year filled with new energy and new goals!
In this PBI 2022 Year in Review , we present highlights of the year in which we happily transitioned back into meeting in-person and a compilation of resources …
Time is Running Out for Free CLE. Sessions offering CLE credit from the PBI 2022 Annual Conference are available online via Thomson Reuters West LegalEdcenter® (WLEC) through the end of October.
In just four weeks, many of the world’s leaders in ESG will convene at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C., along with the legal community’s top pro bono thinkers and doers, at the Pro Bono Institute 2022 Social Impact Summit to explore new paradigms for…
The 2022 PBI Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® Report is out, revealing that 2021 was a year of decline for key metrics used to measure the performance of law firm pro bono programs. The 2022 Challenge Report examines the pro bono engagement by firms that…
You might not yet know the acronym FIPBD–but it stands for Financial Institution Pro Bono Day and it is comprised of 65+ events held by financial institutions and their partners from across the U.S. and around the globe that provide a diverse range o…
The PBI 2022 Annual Conference provides rich programming with flexibility. In-Person registration includes access to the additional Virtual programming in April. For those unable to attend In-Person, PBI offers a Virtual-only registration option.
Dear Colleagues: As the new year begins, we continue to evolve into new, and sometimes better, versions of ourselves in order to promote access to justice. COVID-19 has taught us that we are more resilient and agile than we ever thought …
The silver lining of the global pandemic? Learning to be agile to meet the needs of those we serve. The PBI 2022 Annual Conference offers a few surprises while providing robust programming with flexibility. We recognize that the pandemic continues to…
PBI is getting ready for our Annual Awards Gala that brings together law firms, in-house legal departments, and others dedicated to advancing justice! This annual event is one way PBI recognizes exceptional pro bono achievements and inspires innovations…
The 2021 PBI Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® Report is out, and it was an unprecedented year for pro bono programs both with regard to challenges and results. The 2021 Challenge Report examines the pro bono performance of firms that are signatories to P…
The Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® initiative has a record-breaking year in the face of COVID-19—details to come in the PBI June 2021 Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge Report. Exciting news for pro bono champions everywhere!
The PBI 2021 Annual Conference is just a few short weeks away. This is the legal profession’s premier pro bono event and the only conference specifically tailored to the interests, needs, resources, and issues faced by pro bono leaders at law firms, in…
Dear Friends of Pro Bono Institute: Last year taught us more about adversity and resilience than we ever expected. We’ve altered where we work and how we provide services to those in need of legal help. Our commitment to access to ju…
Inspiring Virtual Events that Promote Pro Bono and Continue the Racial Justice Conversation. The PBI 2020 Fighting for Justice Series continues with two thought-provoking virtual panel discussions that you won’t want to miss.
The PBI Annual Dinner has been a tradition in the access to justice community since 2005. In the past, this event has brought together law firms, in-house law departments, and others dedicated to access to justice to celebrate and honor extraordinary pro bo…
We mourn the unconscionable and senseless killing of George Floyd, and so many other Black lives this year, and every year, at the hands of those professing to protect and serve. We acknowledge the brutality and racism that too many of our brothers, sisters,…
Pro Bono Institute (PBI) entered 2020 on a high note, ready to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® initiative marking tremendous growth in the quantity and quality of pro bono service provided by law firms over the past …
PBI will present to American International Group, Inc. (AIG**) and Lucy Fato, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, the 2020 Laurie D. Zelon Pro Bono Award at a special luncheon on Wednesday, March 18, during PBI’s 2020 Annual Conference. The a…
What an incredible night! Pro Bono Institute hosted its 2019 Annual Dinner, themed “Changing Lives Through Pro Bono,” on October 10 at Gotham Hall in New York. Dinner Co-Chairs Matthew W. Cooper, General Counsel, Capital One Financial Corporation**, and A…
At its Annual Dinner on October 10, 2019, PBI will honor Goodwin Procter*† with the 2019 John H. Pickering Award for its outstanding commitment to pro bono legal services. Last year, the firm dedicated over 65,000 hours and served more than 1,000 pro b…
May 2, 2019 marked the first-ever Financial Institution Pro Bono Day (FIPBD), which was organized by PBI in partnership with 14 financial institutions in 20 cities across the country. More than 700 volunteers from 21 financial institutions participated …
Pro bono legal work is frequently done in partnership. Many in-house legal departments, law firms, and public interest organizations work together to tackle today’s access to justice issues and create sustainable pro bono projects that help the underrepresented. E…
The Pro Bono Program at Freddie Mac** began in 1991 when a group of Legal Division employees organized to obtain leadership endorsement of pro bono legal services and to partner with Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV). At the time, LSNV offered…
Many states and the District of Columbia have rules that permit in-house attorneys, in good standing with the bar in another jurisdiction, to work for their employer without being locally licensed. But this exception does not always extend to providing…
Housing is a fundamental human right, yet the United States does not guarantee a right to counsel for individuals fighting to protect the roof over their heads. This means low-income tenants face a high risk of unfavorable outcomes in housing court, including…
At the PBI Annual Dinner on October 4, Covington & Burling* will be honored with the 2018 John H. Pickering Award for its outstanding commitment to pro bono legal services. Covington has had a lengthy, noble pro bono history dating back to its founding …
Picture this: It’s 8:00 pm. One professional, after another stressful day, reaches down into a leather briefcase and pulls out a camouflaged flask filled with top-shelf bourbon and takes a drink. Meanwhile, at an office down the street, a partner unscrews t…
With support from Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO), Cargill, Incorporated.** and Koch Industries, Inc. are taking the lead to change Kansas’ rule barring non-locally licensed in-house counsel from providing pro bono legal services in the state. Attorneys fr…
In response to the many frequent and severe disasters – both natural and human made – PBI staff have created programming for the final day of the 2018 PBI Annual Conference on Friday, February 23 that will deep dive into providing pro bono for individuals, fam…
PBI’s 2018 Annual Conference is just a couple of months away! This year’s substantive sessions address emerging geopolitical realities, persistent challenges faced by pro bono programs, and novel and cutting-edge issues. With an unparalleled mix of law…
PBI’s Law Firm Pro Bono Project recently released its annual Law Firm Pro Bono Challenge® Report. One hundred thirty-five law firms collectively reported increases in total pro bono hours, pro bono hours for those of limited means, attorney participation rate…